Friday 9 September 2011

New Technology

Without doubt technology has completely changed the entire existence of our society and all parts of mankind’s being are now affected by one form of technology or the other. Even in some remote parts of the world there is some technological influence or the other. For example, in my country there are some really remote villages where the main occupation is cattle rearing and to my utmost surprise I learnt that they have access to mobile phones irrespective of the fact that they live in mud huts. They use these phones to keep in touch with cattle buyers from the city that purchase their cattle.
New media marketing is practically dependent on the new era of technology, which has changed marketing and is set to change even more in the coming future. There are an estimated 1.2 billion people online and this number is expected to explode as groups bring Wi-Fi to third world countries Carter, Sandy (2008). Now imagine the potential of these untapped markets especially in Africa where I come from, absolutely a marketer’s advantage to capture this market as this would hopefully improve the group or companies market share and ultimately might increase its sales and profit maximization. This is especially as existing markets in developed countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom represent a saturated market segment.
Further new technology would see companies further seek to improve their level and would require extensive use of the technology available to them and would result in them seeking new cutting edge technology ahead of competitors to achieve first mover advantages.
New technology has caused a shift in the traditional B2C and B2B market type and introduced a P2P marketing type which would continue to be evident in the future of marketing.
New technology would enable an organisation “scream” in the work place (Carter S 2008), it would be become obvious in the evolution from  mostly  B2B marketing to people to people (Carter S, 2008).As Dale Kutnick says, as the twenty first century unfolds a growing emphasis on Biz and Consumer oriented services for all products will be key commercial drivers”
A shift and change in technology would result in changes in the abilities and credentials of the standard marketer/marketing executive as they would need to possess skills that would enable optimal usage of technology and the new web 2.0. For example, marketers would need to be able to know how to use blogs, podcasts, twitter etc. to effectively take advantage of the marketplace. (Carter S. 2008) stated that “technology itself is allowing us to collect data at an ever more granular and precise level”. New technology is any prepared marketer’s dream come through, however organisations that fail to adapt to this change would be at a marketing dis-advantage as more and more P2P marketing is done via social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked in and Flickr.
New language of Marketing 2:0 How to use ANGELS to energise your marketing (Sandy carter, 2008)IBM press
Manchester Business School, New Media Marketing, [MBS] 2011.


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